A digital course for study start

In collaboration with the study guidance at the Humanities at the University of Southern Denmark, SRG has developed a study start concept which can be used in the study start in the autumn semester 2022.

The digital course for study start is an offer for all the higher educational institutions in Denmark. The educational institutions that accept the offer can offer the study start course to students, right before they begin their higher education. The course is carried out in the weeks leading up to the start of studies and introduces the students to the themes:

(Click on the modules to try them out)

During the course, the students are inspired to reflect on their expectations for the start of their studies as well as their thoughts and feelings in relation to the new experiences and challenges that await them together with their future fellow students. Most students are excited and looking forward to their new study. Many will also to varying degrees have thoughts about whether their academics are good enough, whether they will make friends, and whether they can figure out to be a student. The study start course is an opportunity to share thoughts with future fellow students.


The project's background

The start of a higher education can be a challenging transition which can affect students well-being. The majority of all students initially think about whether they are 'smart' enough, whether they will make friends and whether they will be able to figure out that they are students with responsibility for their own learning.

Research and SRG's own experiences show that the students' approach to and interpretation of the adversity they encounter has a big impact on their learning and well-being on their way through studies and even further. Therefore, SRG has delevoped this concept, which will help to support the students in the transition to their new life as students in a higher education.



If you as an institution have questions or would like to hear more about the study start course, you are welcome to contact us below.

Søren Steen Poulsen
